“Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”
(Matthew 19:14)
Children and Youth are a very important part of our church family–not because they are the future of the Church, but because they are the Church. Children & Youth ministries at Living Waters exists to create a safe place where children and youth can be heard and feel loved and respected. Our Kidz Club ministers to children ages infant – 18, and seeks to introduce young people to Christ, connect them with other Christians their age, provide the opportunity for them to develop and grow in their faith, and to use the gifts that God has given them.
Our Kidz Club volunteers are a group of dedicated and trained individuals who have a heart for ministry to children and teens and who are committed to sharing in the journey of faith with them. Living Waters uses Plan to Protect, a program which helps to ensure the safety and protection of every child and adult volunteer.
For more information about our Children & Youth Program at Living Waters, please speak to our Associate Pastor Kathy Doering.