“Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.”
(1 Timothy 4:12)
It is not always easy to live a godly lifestyle in the midst of our culture and the business of everyday life. From pressures on campus, to the drive for success on the job, to the various struggles within relationships, sometimes it can seem like everyone and everything is against you.
Young Adult ministry at Living Waters (sometimes called College & Careers) seeks to provide a safe place for individuals ages 18-30 who have their heart set on knowing, loving, and following Jesus, to come together and get connected in a Christ-centered community. Our goal is to equip young adults in their journey of knowing God and following Christ; and to help them declare, communicate, and demonstrate the purpose, power, and principles of the Kingdom of God in their everyday lives. Our weekly gatherings are designed to give young adults a place to encourage one another, pray together, and learn the guidance of the Holy Spirit through Scripture for every aspect of life.
Life can be difficult. However, we do not have to fight our battles alone! When Christ is in the right place everything changes. We seek to enable young adults with the Word of God so that their faith is more than conversation; it is a lifestyle.
Are you a young adult? Come out and be strengthened in your faith, form lasting relationships, learn to serve, and discover God’s will for your life.
Our Young Adults ministry is led by Scott Young, Aly Richmond, and Adriane Joudry. For more information, please email the church.