This morning we begin the season of Advent which is characterized by watchfulness, preparation, promise, and fulfilment. Through these themes, we prepare ourselves, our families, our homes, and our church for a genuine celebration of Jesus’ birth. However, Advent is about so much more than just the birth of a baby in Bethlehem. Advent calls us to celebrate God’s love for us made manifest in so many ways: in a manger, on a cross, in an empty tomb, and in clouds of glory. Christ has come, Christ is here with us, and Christ will come again. Our celebration of Advent expresses through Scripture, ritual, and prayer these three stages of the salvation story. And so, as the next four weeks unfold, we remember and reflect on Jesus’ birth, we celebrate His presence in our lives each and every day, and we anticipate His return. It’s the whole story of salvation: God forgiving us, empowering us, and restoring us that we celebrate, and which invests Advent and Christmas with its rich and abiding meaning.

However, Jesus’ advent into the world–past, present, and future–was not and is not intended to simply brighten our Decembers, but rather to transform our lives. And so, the question we have to ask is: How can we prepare our hearts and not just our homes over the next four weeks? One way is through this new sermon series called “Christmas According to Jesus,” which is going to look at the Christmas story from a very different perspective. Over the 4 weeks of Advent and into the Christmas season, we’re going to be looking at what Jesus has to say about the reason for His birth and for His coming, as we watch and wait for Him.



Title: “Revelation”

Preacher: The Rev. Canon Christopher Doering

Date:  Sunday, December 1, 2024 ~ Advent Sunday 

Scripture: John 18:33-40

Handout: Part 1. HO

Title: “Fulfilment”

Preacher: The Rev. Canon Christopher Doering

Date:  Sunday, December 8, 2024 ~ The 2nd Sunday of Advent 

Scripture:  Matthew 5:17-20

Handout:  Part 2. HO


Title: “Atonement”

Preacher: The Rev. Canon Christopher Doering

Date:  Sunday, December 15, 2024 ~ The 3rd Sunday of Advent 

Scripture:  John 12:20-33

Handout: Part 3. HO  


Title: “Invitation”

Preacher: The Rev. Canon Christopher Doering

Date:  Sunday, December 22, 2024 ~ The 4th Sunday of Advent 

Scripture:  Luke 5:27-32

Handout: Part 4. HO


Title: “The Newborn King”

Preacher: The Rev. Canon Christopher Doering

Date:  Sunday, December 24, 2024 ~ Christmas Eve 

Scripture:  Luke 2:1-20

Handout: Part 5. HO


Title: “The Word Made Flesh”

Preacher: The Rev. Canon Christopher Doering

Date:  Sunday, December 29, 2024 ~ The First Sunday of Christmas 

Scripture: John 1:1-20

Handout: Part 6. HO